Redbridge Gluten Free Beer 12 Oz Bottles. Pours crystal clear deep orange/copper color with a 1 finger fairly dense and fluffy off white head with good retention, that reduces to a thin cap that lingers. Redbridge gluten free beer found at hannaford supermarket.

5 out of 5 stars with 3 ratings. Add to online shopping list or grocery cart for hannaford to go. The beer pairs well with hearty meats, such as duck, lamb or veal medallions.
This one is smooth and drinkable and doesn’t have a bad aftertaste like so many sorghum based beers do.
Do they still make redbridge beer? I found another gluten free beer that was pretty good, but it was way more expensive. Add to online shopping list or grocery cart for hannaford to go. The beer pairs well with hearty meats, such as duck, lamb or veal medallions.