How Do You Qualify For A Free Government Phone. For more information or to find out if you qualify for one of. You can qualify for safelink wireless service under one of two methods:government assistance program based guidelines or income based guidelines (not offered in all states).
You need a phone for work or job searching To qualify for the lifeline program to receive a free phone service, you may participate in a goverment program or qualify based on income. Qualify by government assistance, or qualify by low income.
How do i qualify for a free government cell phone?
If you qualify to receive a phone from safelink wireless, you will be able to choose from one of three service plans: Plan 1 provides 68 free minutes that carryover every month, free international long distance calling, voicemail, caller id, and call waiting. Qualify for lifeline by participating in a state or government assistance program. Qualify for a lifeline phone and service.