Free Chlorine Low In Hot Tub. Free chlorine will quickly turn into combined chlorine if your hot tub’s water has unwanted bacteria or disease. If you are smelling a strong chlorine smell , it means that you are likely smelling chloramines.
Chlorine is an important part of hot tub water care. Low bromine/chlorine levels in a hot tub mean that the bromine/chlorine levels are not in the recommended range that is effective to kill bacteria. What should i do if the chlorine is low in my hot tub?
This can be done by adding your weekly dose of carefree or mineraluxe oxygen.
9 of 10 new hot tub owners that i deal with always have too little sanitizer when they first get the tub. My tub usually has a residue amount 24 hours later so i'm confident the tub is santized, you should be shooting for some chlorine in the morning. If these levels peak past these ranges, your water chemistry can become compromised. Once it finds bacteria, it attaches to it, which kills the bacteria and forms a chloramine (or combined chlorine).