Free Cash Flow Yield Good. Free cash flow yield is important for any business, large or small, because it acts as a good metric for cash flow in comparison to the company’s size. The ratio is calculated by taking the free cash flow per share divided by the current share price.
A higher free cash flow yield means that the company generates more cash with the same market valuation which is good for investors. Still a very respectable return. Not surprisingly, many of the world’s top investors focus on free cash flow when.
A fcf conversion rate in excess of 100% can stem from:
Using a high free cash flow yield investment strategy makes a lot of sense because it is a “clean” valuation ratio you can use to find undervalued companies. Click here to get the tools you need to implement a high fcf yield strategy in your portfolio does free cash flow yield investing work in. Here is the free cash flow yield formula: The standard way to calculate free cash flow yield is to use market capitalization, or total common shares outstanding times the share price.